


Malting is a 3-step process that raw grains like barley, rye, wheat, spelt go through to become malt.

The malting journey:

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Malting helps to:

Improves essential amino acid composition

Improve essential amino acid composition

Improves starch and protein digestibility

Improve protein and starch digestibility

Boosts flavour

Decrease anti-nutrients such as phytates and tannins

Increases vitamins and minerals

Increase nutrient density

Increases vitamins and minerals

Increase vitamins and minerals especially vitamin B complex and folates

Enhances colour

Boost natural colour and flavour

Sourcing the finest malt

85% of the raw materials we source are from the UK, the vast majority of which is grown locally - keeping food miles to an absolute minimum. We have a strong relationship with local growers, as well as maltsters, helping to ensure quality is always at the top of the agenda. Plus, we can assure robust traceability, enabling you to reassure customers about your ingredients. 


Cereal intake

Intake: the fuel of life

There is increasing interest among consumers about the quality of food they put into their bodies. In the food industry, there is increasing interest in the quality of ingredients provided by suppliers. We’re lucky here at EDME to be located close to some of the best cereal grain growers in the country. But you still might want to know what happens when that excellent grain arrives on site. To satisfy your curiosity – and reassure your customers about the quality of ingredients throughout your supply chain – take a look at our Intake processes:

Step 1: lorry tip

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Lorries tip materials into allocated storage hatches. Materials can range from raw cereals, malt, gluten free grains. To avoid any cross contamination, gluten free grains are delivered at a different time to other materials and go through a separate cleaning process.

Step 2: dresser

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This process sifts out smaller, lighter and bigger materials than the grain through a number of vibrating sieves.

Step 3: cylinder

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The grains are separated by kernel length. Holes in the cylinder are sized to a certain spec. The kernels that fit into the holes are lifted up and dropped into a trough, while the longer kernels slide off out the end.

Step 4: gravity table

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A way of separating small particles from the grain. Air is pushed up from below which sends the small particles upwards and pushed to the side.

Step 5: destoner

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A vibrating sieve separates small stones from the grain.

Step 6: colour sorter

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A colour specification is inputted into the machine. High tech cameras take pictures of the grain. Anything detected by the cameras which is off colour spec is blown to the side. The machine can process up to 5 tonnes an hour.

Step 7: storage

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A colour specification is inputted into the machine. High tech cameras take pictures of the grain. Anything detected by the cameras which is off colour spec is blown to the side. The machine can process up to 5 tonnes an hour.


The Magic In Milling

Baking has a whole lot of history.
A history that wouldn’t exist without a popular ingredient: flour.
And flour wouldn’t exist without, you guessed it, milling.

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A slice of history

Since its origin, the goal of milling has been to create a versatile, digestible ingredient.

When it comes to the raw material, there’s evidence of agriculture and plant domestication in the Near East (North African region) dating back 12,000 years1.

And for flour milling, there’s evidence of hand milling dating as far back as Ancient Egypt – where flour was developed from emmer, an ancestor of wheat.

Though there’s much more to be said when it comes to the earlier traces of flour milling, let’s head to the streets of Ancient Rome: the place where milling really began to develop and reach another level.

This was because baking was big business in Ancient Rome. And big business meant bigger, more efficient mills.

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There must be something in the water

The Romans were the first to use waterpower milling for flour around 100 BC2. The waterpower turned large stones which ground the grains, making it more effective and less laboursome compared to the earlier techniques of pummelling the grain by hand.

Watermills (as well as windmills) began to spring up across Europe, producing finer flour than ever before. Though a better method than its predecessors, it’s still not like the flour we know today. This is because flour still contained the germ and bran, making it a darker, grittier version.

It wasn’t until industrialisation that the watermills and windmills started to decline as steam and roller mills came into place.

This process includes a series of steam-powered metal rollers used to break down grains (predominantly wheat in the early days) and remove the germ and bran entirely. The result: a fine white flour.

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When white bread became the norm


As time went on, the mills developed even more and their ability to produce flour faster and in larger quantity meant that wheat flour became more accessible and less of a commodity.

But the finer the flour became, the more the goodness was taken out of it. In the reign of white flour, white bread became the norm. The variety of breads available were kept to a minimum as white bread dominated the market. It didn’t stop at just bread either, cakes and other baked goods were also made using the refined flour.

That’s until the milling of specialist flours made an appearance. Giving flavour, nutrition, texture, and functionality an opportunity to shine - and a place on the shelf.

What a difference a grain makes

It’s been long known that there is a difference between wholegrain and refined flour. To recap, here’s the contrast:

whole wheat vs white flour

It's not just milling that's magic...

Here at EDME our flours are either wholegrain or gluten free. We do specialist flours that include: malted, enzyme active; non enzyme-active; and bespoke mixes. In the case of malted, we source the grain from our sister company, Crisp, which has gone through the 3-step malting process:

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The malted grain is then milled by us and produces flours which bring a range of colours, flavours, textures and functionalities to products.

The milling process


Contact us

For a further information on any of our flours including malted, gluten free, enzyme active, non enzyme active, get in touch with: sales@edme.com

And If you’re interested, we are associated with The Baker’s Cousin, a range of bread mixes containing our nutritious and delicious flours, readily available. Get in touch with info@thebakerscousin.com for wholesale enquiries.

EDME malted ingredients for artisan breads extended


barley background

What the hull is pearled barley?

Most barley is used, outer husk and all, for malting, brewing and distilling. But barley is superbly nutritious – adding flavour and texture to a wide variety of foods. The problem is, the husk of the grain is largely indigestible & unpalatable. That means something has to happen before barley grains can be used as a food ingredient. That something is pearling. In other words, de-hulling or removal of the husk.

pearl barley

So, what is the process?

Well, we start by sourcing our barley from the fertile loams and sandy soils of East Anglia, working with farms that have been supplying us for generations. The grain arrives at our site in top condition and, after having been thoroughly checked and cleaned, is passed through a rapidly rotating pearling ‘stone’ which removes the outer husk by abrasion. Overall, the polished white kernel looks very pearl-like, hence the name ‘pearled barley’

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Why pearl barley?

In addition to making the grain easily digestible, pearling extends shelf life; ensures cooking time is reduced; and brings a softer chewy texture to a range of foods.

Some pearled barley is sold whole, to be used in risottos, stews, soups and roasts. Here at EDME, we also go on to flake and kibble the grains. This gives flakes and kibbles that are easy to digest; very tasty; and highly nutritious. Flaked pearl barley can be used used in muesli, granola, cereal bars, biscuits, breads and other baked goodies. Kibbled pearl barley can be used in the same products as the flakes. The smaller size, also means they work well in seeded flatbreads and wraps to give the extra crunch.

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Pearl barley flakes
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Kibbled Pearl Barley

Pave the way for a ‘Beta’ diet

Another attribute of pearl barley is the Beta-glucans. These are soluble fibres that come from the cell walls in the grain.

Beta-glucans are thought to lower the risk for heart disease – and to help prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol from fatty foods.

Not only does it offer Beta-glucans, it also hosts a range of other health benefits. Including being a source of protein with 10.3g per 100g, and also fibre with 9.9g per 100g. What's more, it's low in saturated fat and contains virtually no salt, whilst still providing a great amount of slow-release energy due to its high carbohydrate content.

Looking for an ingredient gem? Make it a pearl.

Just send us a note and we’ll be delighted to give you a shout and discuss your interest in this pearl of an ingredient. Email us here: sales@edme.com

Contact Us

Edme Limited
CO11 1HG

Tel: +44 (0) 1206 393725
Fax: +44 (0) 1206 396699

Email: info@edme.com

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